Monday, December 31, 2012

BLOG: 2012 – REFLECTION – 2013 – HOPE

New Years Eve holds so much hope and good intentions. Next year I’ll exercise more. Give up smoking. Learn a new language. Write more. Then, new years day rolls around and you’re hung over and nursing a sore head and talking in hushed tones and then you say, I’ll start tomorrow but tomorrow comes and goes and all your good intentions and vows go out the window. Until next year.

All I wanted for 2012 was a healthier year.  2011 had been particularly low as my body decided it would wage a war against me that I’m still battling. The only good thing that has come from it was that I now am in tune with my body now that I know when I have to stop and take it easy. So 2012 was showing a lot of promise . Then, on New Years Eve I woke up with a cold that turned into a sinus infection that then manifested into a middle ear infection. I got over it but then I was admitted to hospital to have my wisdom teeth out. A week off work and shiny blue and yellow skin later, I resembled the elephant man.

Forgetting to listen to my body I pushed through the warning signs to rest and then woke up one morning not being able to swallow, cue tonsillitis and more antibiotics. Having said that 2012 was a very big year for me. My best friend proposed to me and we bought our first house. Both as it worked out, in the same week. Now with a mortgage and an impending massive promise to make I’d say we've had a huge year. Change also came in the way of work as my role became more challenging and varied, draining what energy I had left to write.

As regular readers of this (very vacant of late) blog will know I also got back into fiction in a big way. I was still was getting fired up about issues but I had lost the love to write about them here. I hope to write more on this blog in 2013 but you may find that it’s still issues mixed with my ramblings on life and writing. The biggest inspiration for me this year, which I hope to carry on next year, was finding a Ernest Hemingway quote: 

Work everyday. No matter what happened the day or night before, get up and bite the nail –Ernest Hemingway

This is what I hope to carry into 2013. I’m by no means old but I see the window of having the freedom to write freely disappearing and I intend to make the most of it in 2013. I have so much I want to do and say and hopefully, god-willing you’ll be seeing a lot more of my name in 2013.

Thank you for reading this and I wish you all a very safe, happy and healthy 2013.

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